Academic School

Nova Elm Academy (NEA) promises to explore and deliver new pursuits in teaching and learning. We do not believe in a cookie-cutter approach to teaching, as there is no one size fits all curriculum. As community school, we are blessed to have the flexibility to design our curriculum to meet our students’ needs, but at the same time, we do meet and exceed the Standards of Learning (SOL).

Our curriculum is entrenched in the love of learning through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic measures. We cover all facets of academic learning from the Core Subjects (Math, Science, Social Studies and English) to Arts & Craft as well as Geography as well as heavily concentrating on Islamic studies.
We also understand the need for students to be engaged in physical education, as well as explore their artistic and creative talents. Just because we deliver all areas of mainstream education, we never compromise upon a safe Islamic environment. Islam is at the core of the students’ daily lives.

We provide a safe environment, to prevent our precious Muslim youth from becoming contaminated with any corruptive influences. This is at the heart of our mission and vision, and we never veer away from our promise, Alhamdullilah.


Learning Math helps students have better problem-solving skills and better reasoning abilities. Math skills are important because they help us solve problems and look for solutions.


Studying history is important because it allows us to understand our past, which in turn allows us to understand our present. History can provide us with insight into our cultures of origin as well as other cultures, thereby increasing our cross-cultural awareness and understanding.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

PBL is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.


Science is one of the most important subjects students study because it gives them the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they need in a very evolving environment.


The English language plays an important role in our life on a daily basis. It is understood by many people around the world since it is the most spoken language. It is essential in our education. The English language helps us to communicate better with nearly all the people around the world, even through the internet.

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Academic School Only

$375 Tuition

Per month

Student Projects & Presentations

The students are required to work on projects as part of PBL that directly apply the basic concepts learned in the classroom. The project generally solves or represents a real-life problem or question. The student has the freedom to collaborate with others and explore options to help them implement a solution.

Vocabulary Spelling Bee

The students at Nova Elm Academy (NEA) each year participate in a vocabulary spelling, definition, word roots, and sentence usage competition. The students at each level study a series of vocabulary throughout the semester and then compete in the bee. The last student standing in the competition is the winner.

Geography Bee

As part of Nova Elm Academy (NEA) regular curriculum, the students are required to learn and participate in a Geography Bee. The subject is studied throughout the semester at different levels. The competition is held twice a year to test the student's knowledge and allow them to compete in the regional competitions in the county and state.

Math & Science Competition

Nova Elm Academy (NEA) is introducing a very strong math & science curriculum. The math, science, and technical concepts are studied & practiced rather heavily so the students build the knowledge base and analytical skills. As part of the curriculum, Nova Elm Academy (NEA) is holding a math, science & problem solving competition each year.

Book Club & Discussion

As part of regular curriculum, Nova Elm Academy (NEA) wants its students to be avid readers. The students are given the freedom to pick and choose the books of their choice for their level as part of the book club. The students and teacher then have the opportunity to discuss the details of the content in a class session and outline what they have learned.

Quran & Tajweed Recitation

The Quran & Tajweed Recitation is at the core of Nova Elm Academy's curriculum. The students study the Quran every day and therefore it allows them to perfect the reading of Quran as they make progress in their learning ability. This competition allows the students to compete with other Hufaz in the county and state.

What is Project Based Learning (PBL)?